那些訊息,也許我們會從其他小組接收,若是如此,沒關係,擱置一旁就好了。若訊息太多(我想應該不會有),騷擾了你,請到 Whatsapp 的設定將之靜音。說了那麼多,就是希望大家不要也不會離開這小組。
I have been “unfortunately picked” by the newly elected STTAA chairlady – Serena Liew – to be the first “dot of Semenanjung Malaysia” of “Tshung Tsin Circle” to “gather” TTSS alumni here, to share and communicate news from home particularly the one once was 2nd home of ours.
News or messages shared or communicated here could be duplication of those you receive in your respective groups or communities, not to worry, you just put them aside or ignore them. If news or messages received are overwhelming to have disturbed you, which I doubt so we have that many, you may go to Whatsapp‘s Setting to turn on “MUTE”. To have said so much, just hope that no one will leave the group.
Agreed to set up this group, I do have an “ulterior motive of mine”…
We are away from home, to know someone from home especially from the same school would or could mean something to us, at the very least we know when we require some guidance or help, there is always a group of “own people” there for us, we may feel comforted.
Also, when there are festivals, we could meet up for celebration to temporarily release us from homesick.
To help each other, to care for one another, this should be what we mean “Tshung Tsin One Big Family”.
Many of us here know each other, hence, I didn’t get your prior consent before adding you to the group, if you are not happy or not agreeable, you may “scold” me as much as you wish.
If you have other Tshung Tsin friends‘ contact and think that they should be added to the group, you are welcomed to suggest BUT please first get their permission before reveal their contact numbers.
Respect, a teaching of Tshung Tsin too.
Kam Mun
Note: Bernice Lau Kam Mun, Alumnus 91 currently is working as a in house legal counsel for Maybank Trustee Berhad, Kuala Lumpur. She is the coordinator for West Malaysia Tshung Tsin Circle.