Food Security Interest Group 食品安全兴趣小组

Food Security Interest Group (FSG) was officially formed on 21st April 2014 with the creation of a WhatsApp Group Chat consisting of 21 alumni initially. To-date, the number of members has increased to over 50.

With the commitment and determination of the members, Food Security Group set a new milestone in the history of Sabah Tshung Tsin Secondary School (STTSS) in 2015 to form the inaugural Agriculture Club. Members of FSG take turn to give series of lecture to the members of Agriculture Club on every Friday. Not only teaching the technique of farming practices, but also moulding the characters of leaders in the future. Meanwhile, Food Security Group also adopted STTSS Herb Garden as a rehabilitation project.

• To enhance relationship among alumni and to improve intra-professional work;
• To exchange ideas and to disseminate latest information or technical know-how related to agriculture;
• To assist STTSS’ development in the areas of gardening and agriculture; and
• To serve as a platform to work with other professional bodies or government agencies to bring positive changes to the agricultural industry in Sabah.

Alumni from Sabah Tshung Tsin Secondary School (STTSS) or alumni studied in STTSS for a full calendar year that are involved in food production industry from downstream to upstream processing as well as export and import of food products are eligible to join Food Security Group.

No entrance fee, no annual fee, as long as you fulfill the above criteria, you are free to join us!

Communication Platform
a. WhatsApp Group Chat (7.00 am – 10.00 pm daily)
b. Meetings
c. Facebook Group “Sabah Student Farmers”

The coordinators for Food Security Interest Group are Boris Soon & Chung Chin Hing. Any alumni wishing to find out more about the Food Security Group is most welcome to contact Boris or Chin Hing, or you may also contact us and we will forward your enquiries to them.

食品安全兴趣小组 (FSC)于2014年4月21日(星期一)正式成立。初创时期乃由21位校友于WhatsApp群组发起。时至今日,会员超过50人。



凡沙巴崇正中学毕业生抑或曾于沙巴崇正中学就读达一年者,且投身于食品行业价值连,包括生产,加工,出口 入口等均有资格申请参与食品安全组。


a. WhatsApp群组 (7.00 am ~ 10.00 pm)
b. 会议
c. 面子书 “Sabah Student Farmers”群

食品安全兴趣小组的负责人是孙秉富 (Boris Soon)和郑展兴 (Chung Chin Hing)。任何校友如欲知更多有关食品安全兴趣小组的详情,欢迎直接和秉富或展兴校友联系。您也可以联络崇正校友会秘书处,由我们带您转达您的讯息。