Circle of Care 关爱恩师
Traditional Chinese culture holds the status of the teachers equaling that of a parent. Today the teaching profession has changed greatly but its status remain. At school we may revere them, fear them and especially dread the cane. Nevertheless, as we mature we cannot deny that their intentions were always good and that their advice made sense.
Many of our teachers have dedicated their entire working lives to teaching in STTSS. They form bonds of friendship with one another that lasts a lifetime. Their heart is never far from STTSS. Even after their retirement they still assist and care for the School and each other.
The Circle of Care was formed with the intention of care for our retired teachers in times of need as well as sharing the latest updates on them.
Any alumni wishing to play a role in this care group is greatly welcomed. Enquiries can be made at our Secretariat. We look forward to hearing from you.