新春临到忆师恩,杏坛老将聚会所; 把杯畅饮述将来,时光飞逝不知返。 崇正校友会候任主席孙秉富提
新春临到忆师恩,杏坛老将聚会所; 把杯畅饮述将来,时光飞逝不知返。 崇正校友会候任主席孙秉富提
This year, Sabah Tshung Tsin Alumni Association (STTAA) hosted its Alumni Gala Dinner cum Tshung Tsin Ren Spirit Awards on 10th July 2016 at the Sabah Hakka Banquet Hall, Tanjung Lipat, Kota Kinabalu.. Amongst the 460 people who attended the dinner were the founder of Sabah Tshung Tsin Alumni Association who was also the first [...]
"Together. Surely, there is no better place to be." Beautiful choreography. Heart touching.. Happy Malaysia day! Warmest regards Serena Liew
1989年毕业班全体大合照!- 人生有几个二十六年?
1985年初二孝班三十年后重聚。 最令人崩溃的是当年的班主任蔡芳琴老师竟然比所有学生还“年轻”!
(亚庇讯)沙巴崇正校友会为配合沙巴崇正中学创校五十周年庆,特于2015年8月2日(星期日)举办一个温馨的【回校日】,欢迎校友们重回母校的怀抱,畅叙当年! […]
Please support our alumnus the young talent John Chin to fulfill his dream as a professional dancer at Boston Conservatory. […]